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April Astrological Forecast: Solar Eclipse, Mercury Retrograde and More.

Hi, I am Olga Mixon, an expert on Jyotish, also known as Vedic Astrology, and a master Kundalini Yoga teacher. We have an eventful month ahead of us and I am happy to share some general monthly trends with you!

Jyotish is an “eye of Vedas” that shines light onto one’s life path. I help my clients to discover their unique planetary makeup so they can act with confidence, clarity, and at the right time.

Lunar Cycle this Month and Solar Eclipse Time

New Moon and Solar Eclipse on April 8 in Revati

Full Moon - April 23 at 16:48

The solar eclipse is happening at 25 degrees and 11 minutes in the sign of Pisces, in the nakshatra Revati. It will conclude the eclipse corridor that started on March 25th. If you have a planet within 10 degrees of the eclipse point, the significations of the planet will be affected. In general, the first week of April is not a good time to initiate new projects, get married, move into a house, or do anything of auspicious, material nature.

This is a time to learn deeper about the mysteries of your own soul, do healing work, be open to epiphanies and revelations, and go deeper in therapy. The eclipse corridor is an incredible opportunity to identify and clean out psychological garbage, get rid of negative patterns, and deeply change your life for good!

You can get a lot of support through flower essences and psychological aromatherapy that smooth the emotional intensity and act as catalysts for specific healing or transition that you are going through this month.

General Trends for April

This will be a month where the majority of planets reside in the last two signs of the zodiac: Aquarius and Pisces. It is the energy of conclusion, letting go, and dying off. We are preparing for a new cycle in Sidereal Astrology, which starts when the Sun moves into Aries on April 14th. But until then, reflect, wrap up, re-group, let go, and make plans as we conclude the first quarter of the year.

Challenging Days: April 4th - April 14th

These will be the days when Saturn and Mars will be transiting very close to each other. These planets are very strong malefics, heightening pressure and stress in our lives. Plan accordingly. Since this conjunction happens around the solar eclipse, try to reduce your activity and unload your calendar as much as possible. The highest point of this conjunction will happen on April 10th, when Saturn and Mars meet at 20 degrees and 29 minutes in Aquarius. If you are Aquarius rising or Moon, self-care and low activity will go a long way. Tension will start to ease after April 14th. Another challenge of this transit is that it happens in the constellation of Purva Bhadrapada, which is one of the darkest constellations due to its connection with death, funerals, anger, nervousness, and fear.

Mercury Retrograde - April 1st through April 25th

Right on April Fool's Day, Mercury turns retrograde. Watch out for those April Fool's Jokes! They might be misinterpreted! There has been so much said about Mercury retrograde that I will not repeat myself, and just give the usual precautions to double-check all the data, paperwork, information, sales, contracts, and typos. After it goes direct, Mercury will still be in its weak sign of Pisces through May 10th. It is great for dreaming and imaginative writing but hard for analytical and precision work for words and information.​

Mercury and Crypto (Personal Theory and Predictions)

As you might know, I have recently taken a deeper interest in crypto investments and am currently learning and observing how the transits influence crypto. Since crypto itself is signified by the planet Ketu and Ketu is transiting a sign of Virgo, ruled by Mercury, it makes crypto ups and downs sensitive to the transit of Mercury as well. So far, this correlation has played out true if we observe the price of Bitcoin. Everything in crypto follows the Bitcoin price, so by following its fluctuations, we can tell how the rest of the market will feel. Since Mercury will be afflicted for most of April, by being retrograde and being in its weakest sign of Pisces, I suspect that April will be a red month for crypto. Things will pick up significantly though, once Mercury moves to Aries on May 10th and Jupiter (Rahu dispositor) in Taurus on May 1st. So if you are new to crypto, you still have time to take a position in the month of April, ahead of a massive bull run that is coming up.

Venus is Very Strong in Pisces, with Rahu - March 31 - April 24th

Venus, one of the two greatest benefics, graces us with this amazing transit. Venus is the planet of all creative people, artists, vehicles, love, affection, femininity, and women in general.

Venus and Rahu transit combine art with modern technologies, modern art, and using technology to create art. On a personal level, this might be a time where you might be in love with the idea of love, fall in love easily, get infatuated with someone, and, in general, making new romantic partners. Venus in Pisces is very romantic, dreamy, with a heightened sense of style. It calls us to experiment with personal style, try new artistic techniques, update wardrobe, lovers, and romanticize our lives more. Any projects, ideas, or new beginnings where beauty is important are supported during almost all of April!

​​Sun will be Exalted in Aries starting April 13th!

This is one of my favorite transits because it makes all of us purpose-driven, enthusiastic, and a bit more tuned into our leadership abilities. If you are going through a period of Sun, this is a great time to achieve good results when it comes to willpower, determination, being the author of your life, but most importantly, being in tune with what your soul wants. Leos, Sag, and Aries, this is a good transit for you (I mean Moon and Ascendants). All of us will be feeling a surge of energy and vitality in the second half of the month.

​​Special Offer for this Month is a Discount for Birth Chart Readings with Olga Mixon

This is the best reading to begin with if you are new to the world of Vedic Astrology. Dive deep into your purpose, finances, relationship, and career. About half of the reading is focused on making predictions about the upcoming year based on your personal planetary periods and transits. Use code GANESH20 to get a 20% discount until May 1st.



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