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Stay Balanced And Supported Through Season's Change And Holidays

Holidays cause different reactions in us, and we differ in how we prefer to spend them: with families, with friends, or even solo. Depending on our background, family gatherings can mean warmth and support for some, but for others - triggering irritation and constant blow to self-esteem and worthiness. For some - spending time with family is a heartfelt choice; for others - an obligation.

Whenever you fall on the spectrum, there is a way to feel more balanced and be more joyous and content during the transition from Fall to Winter AND during the holiday season. Nature is honest in the way it moves forward in a neverending cycle of change and movement. Our task is to notice, adjust and see how synchronized our nature's rhythms are.

Autumn started the dark yin/feminine cycle when daylight lasts less than twelve hours, becoming more apparent after Fall Equinox and peaking at the winter solstice. As we move through Fall, and our awareness of inner processes increases. It is time to end the projects we started in Spring and Summer and begin more inward and home-oriented projects. Fall is a period of preparation for winter's resting time until the rebirth of spring. According to the Chinese Five Element System is governed by the element of Metal, which is associated with communication, workings of the mind, lungs, large intestine, and the root emotion of Grief.

As we wrap up the Fall Season, the Reflection questions are:

  • Is there anything that needs to be grieved in your life for you to move on?

  • Are you experiencing any emotional or physical stagnation or heaviness in your mind or body?

  • Are there dark secrets, tragic losses, or repressions that your ancestors experienced? Anything you can acknowledge on behalf of those who lived before you to clear it out of YOUR body, DNA, and cellular memory?

Your Fall Seasonal Support:

Shadow Flower Essence Elixir to get clarity, insights, and receive visions.

You can also use Heart Opener Flower Elixir and True Self Release Aroma to energetically move through the grieving process to release and let go. It is wonderful to move your body as part of energetic release through gentle exercises like walking, yoga, or tai-chi. Or more dynamic like ecstatic or belly dance or even surfing.

December 21st is the date of the winter solstice, which is officially is the beginning of the Winter Season and the day of the longest night. We got into a peak of going inward and now will remain in the still, condensed, resting, quiet, withdrawn state until spring. Winter is the season in which the Water element is most dominant. The bladder and kidneys, which deal with the body's water, are associated with the Water element and winter season. The Water element is related to emotions in general, but the specific emotional imbalance associated with Water energy is fear. And in its worse form, it may manifest as phobias, general anxiety about life and future, or paranoia or negativity, in which one always expects the worse.

On a good note, always remember, even though fear can block the expression of love, love, trust, and faith can transmute fear. How? Increase your vibration with the highest vibrational substances on Earth - essential oils. Fear resonates at 50GMHz, while essential oils range from 52-320 MHz, with the spiritual oils being over 90 MHz, with Rose as a champion with a rate of 320 MHz. Apply the essential oils topically and inhale them to let yourself out of the fear cycle.

Your Winter Seasonal Support:

De-Stress Flower Essence Elixir can help you to transition into winter. Oak Flower essence works on your overachiever complex, allowing you to see yourself as a human being whose resources need to be restored through rest, sleep, and nurturing. Olive essence will help to recharge physically and emotionally, while Scotch Broom beats the fear of the unknown and anxiety around the world event that you can't control anyway.

True Self Tranquility Aroma will compliment De-Stress in its ability to relax, calm and relieve tension and anxiety while helping us in self-love, self-worth, self-acceptance, and self-judgment.

Now, let's take a look at seasonal traits as they are related to the holidays. Many of us can be triggered by family gatherings when the old childhood wounds open up and surface. For those who need to confront bullying, blows to worthiness, criticism, lack of respect, or set the boundaries, don't forget your bottle of Lion's Heart Flower Elixir that can be extremely helpful for all of the above scenarios, together with True Self Confidence Aroma.

Both remedies can also address the issue of perfectionism (in terms of trying to find THE perfect gift) and the people-pleasing aspect when we compromise or forget our needs around friends, colleagues, or family members.

And the last aspect I want to address is overindulgence in holiday festivities, allowing cravings for sweets and baked goods out of control. Emotional triggers can also provoke emotional eating. A combination of essential oils inside the True Self Happiness Aroma overrides your sweet tooth by naturally boosting your serotonin production and affecting the hunger center in the hypothalamus to evaluate your level of hunger, preventing emotional eating realistically.

If you feel lonely, isolated, disconnected, and realize that the warmth of friendship and the deep soul-to-soul connection is missing in your life. Still, you are holding yourself back, lack trust, and have troubles opening up your heart - you are not alone, and there are plant allies to assist you. Connection Flower Elixir works on old wounding and patterns, dealing with various nuances of why you found yourself disconnected.

My wish to you this holiday season:

Love yourself.

An African proverb says: "When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm."

Accept your worst self just as you accept your best self, and you will learn to love yourself. Be your own best friend, because the only thing that we have and control, in the end, is ourselves. Treat yourself well. Respect your boundaries and values. Listen to your body and soul. Get enough sleep and exercise. These essential factors are huge parts of raising your vibration. When you love yourself and completely accept yourself, you begin to love and accept others as they are as well.


With Love and Light,



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The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. Use caution when using essential oils, and do not use essential oils on pregnant women, infants, young children, or animals. 

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