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Ancestral healing is the process of revealing and releasing inherited wounds and traumas that have been passed down by our ancestors. Anyone researching their heritage will uncover both positive and negative issues that pass through the bloodlines from one generation to the next.


The study of epigenetics shows us how generational trauma is passed on, not only through genes but the psyche of generations. We all come from and carry the past, yet it has been forgotten because culture and history continues to move forward at a speed that can often cause us to forget our roots. Looking at your individual generational trauma, you can release and find acceptance of family wounds that occurred in someone else’s life that has shaped the energy and beliefs of your lineage.


We gathered together the most potent healers from the plant and mineral kingdoms to help access and work with your unconscious mind, reveal and process trauma, release and let go old patterns, and  ward off negative energy.


 Learn more about ancestral healing:


The kit includes:

  • Ancestral Healing Flower Essence Elixir, 1 oz bottle
  • True Self Release Aroma Roll-On, 10 ml
  • Energy Shield White Sage +Lavender Smokeless Smudge, 4 oz

Why is work with your unconcious so important? Because your unconcious self operates on its own - without your full conscious awareness and you cannot control your behavior, attitude, limiting beliefs and defensive mechanisms. It’s as if your conscious self goes on a complete autopilot while the unconscious takes full control. 

Learn how to use flower essences:


Note: if you are new to Ancestral Healing Work - consider getting the help of a psychologist or another trained professional to help process and release your discoveries. Use with caution if you are prone to depression and melancholy and stop using the remedy if you are sucked too deep into old trauma, can’t process pain or are overflowing with emotions. Take a break and continue taking the remedy when you are emotionally stable. Don't rush or force the process.

Ancestral Healing Kit



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The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician or health care provider.
The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with a health care provider, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. Use caution when using essential oils, and do not use essential oils on pregnant women, infants, young children, or animals. 

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