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Manage stress and uncertainty with a calm mind staying grounded and focused

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Manage Stress and Uncertainty with Calmness, Grounded Presence and Centered Focus

Are you working long hours or even multiple jobs? 

Unable to relax and unwind after work or between tasks? 

Having difficulty falling or staying asleep and quieting your mind? 

Do you feel overwhelmed by life and your endless tasklist? 

Feeling scattered and cannot focus on one task at a time?

Rushing  from place to place to keep up with obligations at home, work or school and socially while life keeps spinning faster and faster?

Feeling overwhelmed by life and your endless tasklist?

Brain-fogged, scattered and unable to focus on the task in hand?


It’s a lot to handle and it’s exhausting! If your energy and resistance are being drained, your stress level is rising. You may experience symptoms including anxiety, irritability, frustration and impatience with others, muscle tension and sleeplessness – all contributing to depression, anger, feelings of insecurity, and relationship conflicts.

No matter how small or severe the stressor, your body responds the same way.


Stress is the #1 killer in today’s world, affecting our mental, emotional and physical well being. Its effects on behavior can range from depression, irritability, aggression and the loss of sense of humor. Mentally, long -term stress affects your ability to concentrate and lead to chronic depression. Physically it manifests  as headaches, indigestion, aches and pains, heart palpitations, heart attacks, allergies, colitis, high blood pressure, PMS, eczema, autoimmune diseases, IBS, insomnia, lethargy, and a general breakdown of good health.  It is crucial to stop constantly pushing yourself beyond the warning signs of fatigue and pain, and to take time to rest, relax and take time to heal until a major breakdown of health or burnout.

Try our collection of products that helps you to cope with stress, brings optimism and positive attitude to your daily tasks, prevents burnout, instills peace of mind and quiets the mind chatter, balances workaholism, perfectionism, and “overachiever” syndrome allowing for a realistic evaluation of your human limitations and abilities, enhances your ability to focus, stay focused on the task and achieve mental clarity. 

Foggy Lake

It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.

~ Hans Selye

Plant Shadow

What Clients Say

Effective, calming for the nerves, calms my mind, giving me much deeper sleep.The first time I took De-Stress in the evening and immediately felt how exhausted I was. My body was craving sleep so I went to bed and slept like a baby for the first time in many months. Now I take it during the day to manage stress and occasionally at night if I wake up at night and anxiety is endless.

- Kaya Stackhouse, San Luis Obispo, CA

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